Chatbots: A comprehensive guide to how they work, applications, and best practices

May 14, 2024
min read

Chatbots: Ein umfassender Leitfaden zu Funktionsweise, Anwendungen und Best Practices

Ein Chatbot ist wie ein virtueller Gesprächspartner, der durch Text- oder Sprachnachrichten mit Menschen kommunizieren kann. Dank der rasanten Entwicklung der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) sind Chatbots heute smarter denn je und werden in vielen Firmen eingesetzt, um den Kunden schnell und unkompliziert Hilfe anzubieten.

Sie sind in vielen Bereichen zu finden, sei es im Kundenservice, beim Online-Shopping oder bei Versicherungen. In diesem Artikel erfährst du alles Wichtige über Chatbots: wie sie funktionieren, wo sie eingesetzt werden, was ihre Stärken und Schwächen sind und wie sie erfolgreich genutzt werden können.

Table of Contents

Chatbots: A Comprehensive Guide to How They Work, Applications, and Best Practices

A chatbot is like a virtual conversation partner that can communicate with people through text or voice messages. Thanks to the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots are now smarter than ever and are used in many companies to offer customers quick and easy help.

They can be found in many areas, whether in customer service, online shopping or insurance. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about chatbots: How they work, where they are used, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how they can be used successfully.

Table of contents

Chatbot basics

Areas of Application of Chatbots


Customer Service and CRM




energy sector

Benefits of chatbots

Challenges and Disadvantages of Chatbots

Examples of successful chatbots



Chatbot basics

Chatbots are like virtual interlocutors that help us communicate more easily with technical systems. They can understand our language, whether spoken or written, and respond to it naturally. Behind this is a mixture of artificial intelligence and special computer programs that enable chatbots to chat almost like a human and answer our questions.

How chatbots work

Chatbots are virtual helpers that can work in two different ways: rule-based or with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

Rule-based chatbots
Follow established rules and patterns. They have a fixed set of questions and answers that they can draw on. That makes them easy to create, but they can sometimes get stuck when faced with unexpected questions.

AI-based chatbots They are more flexible there. They use advanced technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to constantly learn. This enables them to have human-like conversations and to keep improving.

Both types of chatbots aim to simplify and speed up communication with customers. They are true time savers in customer service, online retail, healthcare and even education, answering inquiries 24/7 and thus improving service.

Rule-based chatbots

Rule-based chatbots are dialog systems that work according to clear guidelines. They have a set list of questions and answers that they use to respond to inquiries. This makes them a good choice for simple tasks or specific areas, such as answering frequently asked questions (FAQs) or searching knowledge databases. Although they are easier to create, they have their limits. They're not as good at answering spontaneous or complex questions because they don't have the ability to think or learn and adapt “outside the box.”

Application-related chatbots

Application-related chatbots are specifically developed for specific industries or areas of application and focus on solving problems or answering questions within this area. They can be rule-based or AI-based and are often used in industries such as tourism, insurance, banking or customer service.

Smart chatbots

Intelligent chatbots are the smart helpers in the world of virtual assistants. They use artificial intelligence (AI) and other advanced technologies to communicate almost like a human they learn from the conversations they have and get better over time. This enables them to understand even complicated questions and answer them naturally. If you compare them with rule-based chatbots, the intelligent chatbots are clearly at a higher level. They can adapt and grow over time, making them an excellent choice for companies that want to communicate more naturally.

But every type of chatbot has its strengths. Rule-based chatbots are perfect for simple tasks and clear instructions, while intelligent chatbots enable dynamic and human-like communication. The choice depends on a company's specific needs and goals.

Using AI and NLP

Artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) are the key technologies behind intelligent chatbots. They enable chatbots to communicate almost like humans. Here is how they work:

  • AI: Helps chatbots learn from conversations and become smarter over time. In contrast to rule-based chatbots, which can only provide fixed answers, AI chatbots are more flexible and understand complex queries better.
  • NLP: This is a specific area of AI that focuses on how machines can understand and use human language. It has two main parts:
  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU): Here, the Chatbot learns to understand the intentions behind the words.
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG): In this part, the chatbot learns to create its own sentences that sound human.

Thanks to AI and NLP, chatbots can:

  • Communicate naturally and in a human-like way.
  • Respond quickly and automatically to inquiries, which makes customer service much easier.
  • Used in many areas, including customer service, online retail, healthcare, and education.

Areas of Application of Chatbots

Customer Service and CRM

Chatbots are true all-rounders, especially when it comes to customer service and customer relationship management (CRM). Here are some of the many ways they can help businesses:
In customer service:

  • Faster processes: Chatbots can automatically respond to customer inquiries, which speeds up service.
  • Increased efficiency: They help optimize work processes by automating simple tasks.
  • Personal Care: Despite their automated nature, AI chatbots can provide personalized and personalized care, which improves the customer experience.


  • Automation: Chatbots can automate many CRM tasks, such as collecting customer data and entering this data into the system.
  • Sales and marketing support: You can greet potential customers and gather important information that can help the sales and marketing team.
  • Cost savings: Integrating chatbots with CRM systems can help companies save money by reducing manual tasks and increasing efficiency.

Some examples of the use of chatbots in customer service and CRM include:

  • Automated processing of customer inquiries: Chatbots can answer simple questions, provide information or forward inquiries to the right contact person.
  • Proactive provision of information: Chatbots can proactively send customers and employees information, for example about the status of a delivery or a change in bank account.
  • Quality Management Support: Chatbots can help improve the quality of customer service by collecting and evaluating customer feedback.
  • Integration with existing CRM systems: Chatbots can be seamlessly integrated into existing CRM systems to increase the efficiency and productivity of sales and marketing activities.

Overall, chatbots in customer service and CRM enable efficient and customer-oriented communication by answering inquiries in real time and relieving customer service.


Chatbots in e-commerce offer a wide range of applications to optimize online retail and improve customer service. Here are some specific applications of chatbots in e-commerce that might interest you:

Product recommendations

Chatbots can provide tips on which products best suit a customer's preferences and previous purchases. Thanks to AI, they understand customer needs better and can make accurate suggestions.

Order tracking

They keep customers up to date on where their order is right now and offer the option to easily change delivery details. So you always have an overview and can look forward to your delivery.

Personalized shopping experience

Chatbots can chat with customers and find out what they're really looking for. This not only makes shopping more personal, but also more pleasant.

Help with forgotten shopping carts

Sometimes you forget to complete your purchase. Chatbots can help here by sending a small reminder and asking if you still need anything or are ready to pay.

Chatbots make e-commerce better by providing individual advice, easy order tracking and a personalized shopping experience. This makes online shopping even more convenient and customer-friendly.


In the insurance industry, chatbots can be used in many areas to improve service and make work processes more efficient. Here are some of the ways chatbots can revolutionize the insurance world:

Customer Service and CRM

  • Reply and forward: Chatbots can answer customer questions or forward them to the right contact person.
  • Feedback collection: You can collect and evaluate valuable feedback from customers to improve the service.

Claims management

  • Support with claims reports: Chatbots can help customers report claims and share the current status of the processing.
  • Cost savings: They make claims processing more efficient and help to save costs.

Sales and marketing

  • Information and offers: Chatbots can inform potential customers about insurance products and create personalized offers.
  • Customer Acquisition: They can help attract new customers by highlighting the benefits of insurance products.

Integration into Existing Systems

  • Improving Efficiency: Chatbots can be integrated into existing systems to optimize sales and marketing workflows.
  • Automation: They can be connected to CRM systems to automatically collect and process customer data.

Chatbots offer a wealth of opportunities in the insurance industry to improve customer service and increase efficiency, which ultimately leads to cost savings.


In the tourism sector, chatbots can be of great help by improving customer service and making work processes more efficient. Here are some of the many ways chatbots can be used in tourism:

Customer Service and CRM

  • Responding and Forwarding: Similar to other industries, chatbots in tourism can also answer customer service inquiries or forward them to the right contact person.
  • Information provision: They can provide useful information to help travelers with their inquiries.

Travel planning

  • Source of information: Chatbots can act as personal travel guides that quickly provide information about sights, tours and experiences in a destination.
  • Website Reference: You can direct travelers to more detailed information on the website to help them plan in detail.

Visitor guidance

  • Tours and Challenges: Chatbots can suggest special tours or challenges to encourage visitors to do specific activities.
  • Multi-language support: They can assist tourists who don't speak the local language by offering information in different languages.

energy sector

In the energy sector, chatbots can play an important role by improving customer service and increasing efficiency in companies. Here are some of the ways chatbots can be used in this industry:

Customer service and CRM

  • Reply and forward: Chatbots can answer customer questions or forward them to the right contact person.
  • Feedback collection: You can collect and evaluate valuable feedback from customers to improve the service.

Claims management

  • Support with claims reports: Chatbots can help customers report claims and share the current status of the processing.
  • Cost savings: They make claims processing more efficient and help to save costs.

Sales and marketing

  • Information and offers: Chatbots can inform potential customers about energy products and services and create personalized offers.
  • Sales assistance: They can support the sales process and help attract new customers.

Integration into existing systems

  • Improving efficiency: Chatbots can be integrated into existing systems to optimize sales and marketing workflows.
  • Automation: They can be connected to CRM systems to automatically collect and process customer data.

In both tourism and the energy sector, chatbots offer a variety of opportunities to improve customer service, increase efficiency and save costs, making them a valuable tool for modern companies.

Benefits of chatbots

Chatbots offer numerous benefits for companies and customers, which help to optimize customer service and increase efficiency in the company. Here are some of the key benefits of chatbots:

Time and cost savings

  • Automation: Chatbots can automate many tasks, which saves time and increases efficiency.
  • Pre-selection of inquiries: You can sort customer inquiries and either answer them yourself or forward them to the right team member, which saves costs.

24/7 availability

  • Always available: Chatbots are available to customers around the clock, which is particularly useful when customers need quick answers or live in a different time zone.

Improving customer satisfaction and user experience

  • Personal communication: Chatbots can provide human-like communication that helps customers find exactly what they're looking for.
  • Feedback collection: You can also collect feedback to continuously improve the service.

Chatbots offer a range of benefits that improve customer service and help companies work more efficiently and save costs. They are a valuable tool in the modern business world.

Challenges and Disadvantages of Chatbots

While chatbots offer many benefits, there are also challenges and drawbacks to keep an eye on. Here are some of the key points:

Limitations for specific questions and unforeseen events

  • Complex questions: Chatbots, particularly rule-based ones, can have difficulty answering complex or unexpected questions because they can't think critically or analyze complex problems.
  • Adaptability: Although AI-based chatbots are better at adapting and learning, they too can reach their limits when faced with specific questions or unexpected events.

The importance of the right chatbot strategy

  • Strategic planning: The success of a chatbot project requires a well-thought-out strategy that takes into account the needs of the company and customer expectations.
  • Choosing the right chatbot type: Deciding whether to use a rule-based or AI-based chatbot and integration with existing systems are crucial.

Understanding the challenges and drawbacks of chatbots is important to ensure a successful implementation. With the right strategy and continuous improvements, companies can maximize the benefits of chatbots and minimize potential drawbacks.

Examples of successful chatbots

Here are five examples of successful chatbots from various industries and areas of application:

  • Kiehl's - A chatbot that offers personalized skincare product recommendations and helps customers select products.
  • MobileMonkey — A chatbot that increases social media engagement by sending automated messages to followers and encouraging interactions.
  • HelloFresh - A chatbot that shares valuable content, such as recipes and cooking tips, and helps customers choose meals and plan their food deliveries.
  • GOL Airlines — A chatbot that answers frequently asked questions, provides information about flights, and helps customers book flight tickets.
  • ERGO Insurance - A chatbot called “Alfred”, which is used on the German ERGO Insurance website to sort incoming inquiries and forward them to the right contact person.

These examples show how chatbots can be successfully used in various industries and areas of application to optimize customer service, increase efficiency in the company and save costs.


Chatbots are a powerful tool that offers many benefits to both companies and customers. They can revolutionize customer service, increase efficiency, and help save costs. Here are some of the industries where they're already making a big impact:

  • Customer service and CRM
  • ecommerce
  • insurances
  • tourism
  • energy sector
  • etc...

Thanks to advances in AI and natural language processing (NLP), chatbots can have human-like conversations and constantly improve by learning from their interactions. Of course, there are also challenges and drawbacks, such as the difficulty of dealing with specific questions or unexpected events, and the need for a well-thought-out chatbot strategy. Nonetheless, the benefits clearly outweigh them, and continuous availability and improved customer satisfaction are invaluable benefits.

In the future, we can expect chatbots to get better at understanding human language and having contextual conversations thanks to further improvements in NLP. Over time, they will become even more effective and useful, expanding their application options and making them an even more valuable tool for companies and customers.

May 14, 2024
min read

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